Sunday 04 August, 2013
People Just Do Nothing & The New BBC Series

People Just Do Nothing, which started as a YouTube series, follows the exploits of the boys behind west London’s finest pirate radio station, Kurupt FM. The boys have finally been commissioned for a regular BBC show, so before they come to a TV station near you get a preview of how it all came about and an […]
People Just Do Nothing, which started as a YouTube series, follows the exploits of the boys behind west London's finest pirate radio station, Kurupt FM. The boys have finally been commissioned for a regular BBC show, so before they come to a TV station near you get a preview of how it all came about and an insight into one of the men behind the show.
How's it going with the show on BBC? It’s pretty exciting.
To be fair, like, people feel pretty lucky that they got us. Obviously we started with the YouTube thing, filming shit and they started uploading our videos. They cottoned on before anyone else, really. I was kind of expecting it to be fair.
Well with all the talent you have.
Well, that’s the thing. Obviously, with Kurupt, there’s a whole team of dedicated people that I’ve trained for years, cos obviously when I first met them they were just normal people. But then I’ve sort of taken them under my wing, done the day-to-day with Sniper to get them nearly as good as me. But, y'know, they’re never actually as good as me.
ICould anyone achieve your level of talent?
In human or spiritual form? Humanly, nah, never. But the boys gain a lot from being around me.
How do you teach your pupils?
I told you they’re my soldiers. So I just shout at them all the time, eventually they just do what I say because they can’t be bothered with me shouting at them anymore. That's when they’ll start trying to develop, so they can reach your level. My level, not yours. Mine.
Literally whipping them into shape?
Nah, whipping, that sounds a bit weird. But mentally, yeah, always drain them mentally and they’ll end up agreeing with you, just because they can’t be bothered. That’s what makes me happy.
Do you do that thing, like, when they’re about to fall asleep, you suddenly wake them up to keep them on their toes?
Drills? Yeah exactly. I’ll be like "Right I’m off out you lot, see you later", knowing that they’ll be laying about. Then I’ll give it five minutes and I’ll just kick in the door, run in and start screaming at them. That’s a really good training technique actually, glad you reminded me.
Now you are 'famous' are you getting more and more MCs coming to you for advice now - What would you tell them?
To be fair, everyone that knows I'm an MC would always approach me, asking me how to go about it and you can’t really teach that kind of thing.
Have you had a lot of fan mail?
Women have always thought that I was pretty good looking, cos I am. I’m not a pretty boy, I’m more that rugged good looking type.
So, finally, what can we look forward to once the Kurupt FM revolution takes hold?
Well, it's gonna be on TV. After that, we're probably gonna have a record label in no time, probably go into film, do my life story, yeah? Kurupt FM is going worldwide, raves everywhere. I bet you lot already know about that, we’ve already smashed fucking Bognor to pieces, we’re gonna have loads of others.
The sky's the limit?
Yeah, then international eventually. Probably Jamaica or something like that. We’ve already got Decoy who knows all the Jamaicans. Well, he is Jamaican, so he’s got all the links obviously, they’re all his cousins out there. But yeah, all I’d like to say is, everyone make sure you keep your fucking eyes, ears and, well no, not your mouth, but those other orifices open, yeah. What’s orifices anyway?
Everyone just keep your eyes out for Kurupt FM, the takeover starts now.
You can follow the boys on Twitter @KuruptFM
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