Gavin Williamson :: World, European and British Kickboxing Champion on his art, giving back and Music 4 Life

How important is it to have organisations like UNKFUNK and an event like Music 4 Life ? I think UNKFUNK is a very new and unique organisation that is very now. Meaning, it wouldn’t have made any sense let’s say 10 years ago to have a organisation like UNKFUNK. Event organisers put on events to […]
How important is it to have organisations like UNKFUNK and an event like Music 4 Life ? I think UNKFUNK is a very new and unique organisation that is very now. Meaning, it wouldn't have made any sense let's say 10 years ago to have a organisation like UNKFUNK. Event organisers put on events to make money. Charity events raise awareness and also make money. The upcoming event Music 4 Life bridges the gap, giving a youth market exposure to great causes, especially Cancer Research UK.
You are a great giver in community and have been part of some very interesting arts projects yourself, can you tell us a bit about these? Yes, well! I have put on several successful events spanning from 2001 to 2006. I had events like ' the gods room', express yourself and ' PFR' (Private function room). All these events had young people from economical and social deprived backgrounds, getting together and expressing themselves to a local and wider community. TGR Phatt Fridays (The Gods Room) was the most successful out of them. This event included spoken word, hip-hop, musicians, artists, dancers, basically every form of expression was compressed within the gods room. The program was completed by a topical debate or discussion about the issues that affect young people and their communities.
How do See UNKFUNK benefitting the community? UNKFUNK's unique angle gives a platform for musicians, artists and DJs to display their skills to each other under common causes that affect everyone. It gathers people together no matter what race, colour or creed.
What made you want to support Music 4 Life? At my age you see things through different eyes. When I was younger it was all about taking, now I'm in a position where I can give back. Music 4 Life will increase the awareness and the cause of an important charity. When people are affected by common disease, they will unite and fight back.
Have you or anyone you know been personally affected by cancer? Yes, I have! My dearest and eldest auntie/godmother on my mother's side. She had a very rare form of cancer, the name I can't remember. However within months of being diagnosed, the cancer had spread so far that it reached her brain. She lost all faculties within one week and passed on shortly after that. My Uncle on my dad’s side was our first family loss, he died of lung cancer, it was a difficult time for the family. I know that cancer can kill fast and slow. The more research that can be done the less, family, friends and loved ones will suffer.
As a sportsman how does it feel for you to be part of a groundbreaking event like this? As a sports person I feel like I can finally give back information I have learnt on my journey and travels to everyone who gets involved with this event and wider.
How important is healthy living for you in relation to the prevention of cancer? Your body is a temple and you should treat your body like a clean abode. I have the statement: you should feed, eat, drink and sleep just like a baby! You wouldn't give a baby alcohol, raw meat and processed food to eat. Would you? I think if everyone took this philosophy on board, cancer could be prevented.
There have been proven links to healthy living and a good diet as a way of preventing Cancer, what tips would you give people wanting to maintain healthy living standard? As a champion and an instructor, it is very hard to find time to make sure that my diet is sound. Maintaining a healthy living standard doesn't have to be explained, we all know what we do wrong. The problem I think is that living in a hectic and chaotic city like London where most people work ridiculous hours just to keep a roof over their head. They spend less time enjoying life and get caught up in a whirlwind. Everything has to be instant. Fast food, fast cars and a quick turnover of money. From my personal research I have found that 95% of pre-packed foods contains processed sugar which damages the human body in horrific ways. Everything you should eat, should be fresh. I know it's hard, we all make excuses.
You are looking to begin alternative style bootcamps, can we look forward to seeing these in 2012? Yes! Boot Camp, boxercise, fitness classes and spinning classes. All these things will be happening being taught by me or one of my teachers. So far every Sunday at 9 AM and 12 AM I have a fitness class. I have a kickboxing class every Monday and Wednesday at 7:30 PM all taking place at sport studios, north-west London. Get involved, get fit and stay healthy.
I know you’ve got a hectic schedule lined up for the year ahead, but what shall we look out for from you, in the forthcoming months? The future is bright, the glass is half full and sleeping is for the dead. I have the British, European and World Championships taking place this year and titles to defend in all threee. The season starts on February 18th and will be non-stop till October. I plan to open my own gym so I can grow and develop my dreams.
Sounds great! Thank you for donating your time to this special event and we look forward to seeing you on the 4th February 2012 at Music 4 Life. It’s my pleasure, I am glad to be a part of this amazing event. To find out more about Kickboxing catch Gavin and the amazing Sports Studio team at:- Sports Studios 95b Fairfax Road London NW6 4DY Phone: 0207 372 8580 www.sportsstudios.com
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