Author Archive
An Orchestrator and Producer’s Life Qs
“…I️ used to dream of a better life for myself but also about how I️ hoped to shape the world in some way…” Quincy Jones Jr was out in the music world, playing and attending Jazz clubs when he was a boy, watching and learning from the best live jazz players. His first band was […]
Elton John and David Furnish – A Human Curation by Artistically led Appreciators
A viewing of David Furnish and Elton John’s art collection allows us to ponder about the use of time in the whole of our lives. The experiences that shape our form. Elton John is a celebrated musician, an exceptional person in modern speak.Has amassed a fortune and has the freedom to invest in objects of […]
Stamped from the Beginning : Moving the race conversation forward.
‘Stamped from the beginning’, based on the ideas in Dr Ibram X Kendi’s book is an everyone must see documentary, with interviews and narrative given by historians and academics. Largely about the root of the racism idea, execution and where we are in America, but all over the world. How tanned to dark skin was […]
Grace Jones :: The Artists Icon
‘I’m a born-alone, die-alone, sing-alone kind of girl.’ – Grace Jones The first opportunity to see Grace Jones came at Lovebox in 2013, seeing little of the opening song and leaving because it was Fathers day, there was a dinner to attend. It must have been the right decision because years later here arrives a […]
De La Soul – doing things differently
On February 12th, a representative of De La Soul confirmed the death of founding member, David Jolicoeur aka Trugoy the Dove. Today we reflect on the importance and innovation by this group in the history of POPular music and Hip Hop. In 1989 De La Soul produced by Prince Paul released their debut album ‘3 […]
9 Questions to A.I about the future of Musicians in the Music Industry
“When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hang-ups.” — John Coltrane (1926–1967) Humans have consciousness, art is from that space. It matters little what an AI system tells you about what position they see musicians occupying in the […]
Pelé : A creative magician on and off the pitch
The level of creativity Pelé created on the football field was magnificent, but not limited to his footballing profession. He knew his purpose though was never limited by it.”I was born to play football, just like Beethoven was born to write music and Michelangelo was born to paint.” Pelé was not his birth name, but […]
Incoming Notting Hill Carnival 2022
The UK has the best Festivals in the world. We like music and a good knees up. Notting Hill Carnival is the most popular and best event in the UK, possibly the world for so many reasons. We are still second to Rio De Janeiro in the volume of punters when it comes to the street […]